Dr. Markus
Senior Economist, IW
02214981732 With the IW since 2008
- Study of Economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Lecturer in Behavioural Finance at the University of Ulm
Demary, Markus: The challenge of measuring financed CO₂ emissions
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Demary, Markus: The financing and networking of key technologies
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Demary, Markus: The role of leasing and Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS) in transformational finance
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Demary, Markus: Networking to promote transformation financing
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Demary, Markus: Sustainable Finance - a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises?
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Demary, Markus: The financing and networking of key technologies
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Demary, Markus: The role of portfolio emissions in transformation financing
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Demary, Markus: Instruments of transformation finance and their relevance for NRW
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Demary, Markus: How Fin.Connect.NRW wants to strengthen the financing of future technologies
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Demary, Markus: Transformation Financing from the Perspective of Financial Supervision
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Demary, Markus: The Energy Dependency of Bank Loans
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Demary, Markus: Need for Investment: Important Field of Action for the Energy Transition
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Demary, Markus: Do Inflation and Interest Rate Changes Endanger the Transformation?
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Demary, Markus: Cooperation and networking of financing for infrastructure projects
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Demary, Markus: How high are the investment requirements for the climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW?
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Demary, Markus: Banks' equity as a bottleneck factor for financing the transformation?
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Demary, Markus / Henger, Ralph / Breddermann, Christopher: Transformation strategy for Germany and NRW as an industry locations
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