Sustainability reporting, CSRD and EU taxonomy are now essential for companies preparing for bank discussions or investor requirements. Sustainability criteria are becoming increasingly important in corporate financing. Banks, companies and other stakeholders are faced with the task of presenting sustainability aspects in a transparent and comprehensible manner.

With this series of events, Fin.Connect.NRW offers targeted insights into the practical challenges and solutions relating to sustainability reporting and transformation financing. The webinars provide basic knowledge and practical tips on how companies can best prepare for meetings with banks, prepare sustainability reports or understand the requirements of investors and financial institutions. Learn more about standards such as the CSRD, the expectations of auditors and the role of KPIs in sustainable company valuation - in a practical and understandable way.

This event is part of a series in which we will successively shed light on further topics relating to sustainability reporting and transformation financing.

Second event in the second series #inform:

Sustainable business models and their financing - practical insights into GLS Bank

Today's investment and financing decisions shape tomorrow's world. But how can I recognize sustainable business models? How do I make good investment and lending decisions that serve the socio-ecological transformation in a complex world with many conflicting goals?

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