The European Union's Taxonomy Regulation brought the ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria to the attention of companies and investors in 2020. The ESG criteria form a standardized legal framework for sustainable corporate action. Anyone who does good for climate protection should also talk about it.
However, in recent years there have been more and more headlines about companies that have misled stakeholders and consumers through so-called “greenwashing”, or ESG fraud.
However, the often serious consequences of greenwashing for companies remain identical in all scenarios. If the green veneer crumbles, sustainable products turn out to be not so sustainable after all, and companies clearly fail to live up to their responsibilities, there is a risk of a massive loss of reputation among shareholders and consumers. Many entrepreneurs underestimate the associated negative impact on company value.
In its free webinar on December 12, the IHK Düsseldorf would therefore like to highlight the risks and serious consequences of greenwashing for companies. The two speakers will be Gunter Lescher and Tatewik Kunzmann from PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, who will also be available to answer questions after their presentation.