Sustainability reporting requirements are increasingly reaching businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia. The goals of the Green Deal and the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) reporting obligations of the European Union require companies to put their business models to the test against the background of sustainability criteria.

Under the buzzword „Sustainable Finance“, the EU has launched further initiatives to also align financing and risk provisioning and also public funding more closely with sustainability aspects. Although many of the new obligations are primarily directed at larger companies, many small and medium-sized enterprises are also affected by their integration into the value chains.

Already in the coming year, companies must prepare for these new trends in order to be able to build up comprehensive reporting and secure long-term planning.

As part of the Fin.Connect.NRW initiative, we cordially invite you to another digital information event on 16 December 2021 from 16:30 to 18:30: Together with our experts, we want to discuss the new requirements that will arise for the economy and show how small and medium-sized enterprises can also prepare for the new reporting obligations and additional requirements today.

Programme: Sustainable finance, EU taxonomy and CSR reporting – what lies ahead for companies in 2022

Presentation Dr. Elmer Lenzen: „Sustainable Finance , Taxonomie und Berichtspflichten“

Presentation Tim Ockenga: „Anforderungen an die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung aus Sicht der Versicherer“

Presentation Patrick Bottermann: „Orientierungshilfe für die Transformationsfinanzierung“

Presentation Nicola Winkler: „Anforderungen an die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung“