Current status of CSRD sustainability reporting and synergies from other disclosure requirements such as CSDDD, LkSG and EUDR

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and disclosure obligations from other regulatory requirements are fundamentally changing European sustainability reporting for companies of all sizes. Future sustainability reports will be subject to detailed content requirements. Against the background of the future mandatory audit of the sustainability report by the auditor, companies will also have to deal with this topic more intensively in future.

This will also mean that companies will have to review and expand their data and information inventory. The question will regularly arise as to where and how they can obtain the additional information required and how they can make use of synergies from the various disclosure obligations under other relevant laws, such as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the EU Regulation on the Deforestation-Free Supply Chain (EUR) or the EU Directive on Corporate Due Diligence for Sustainable Supply Chains (CSDDD).

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are not directly subject to the reporting obligation may also be confronted with increased requests from larger companies or decide to prepare their own - possibly voluntary - report. Voluntary reporting standards may also play a greater role for SMEs in the future.  


But how can companies - especially SMEs - succeed in sustainability reporting?

With this webinar on February 10 from 1.30 to 3.30 pm, the IHK network “Sustainable Supply Chain Management” would like to inform about the current developments on CSRD in Germany and the European Union as well as provide impulses for implementation - also using a company example.

In addition, the German Sustainability Code (DNK) will present the further development of the DNK from a voluntary transparency standard to a free support tool for CSRD-compliant reporting for companies of all sectors and sizes.  The further development is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Finally, there will also be a discussion on how to approach uniform reporting/data management against the background of the abundance of reporting obligations and whether synergies from the different regulatory requirements could be used.

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