The online workshop „Transformation Finance in NRW – Seizing Opportunities in Growing Markets“ on 30 October 2020 attracted great interest. The speakers reported on the financing needs of European companies, sustainable finance from the perspective of the financial sector and companies, and the transformation of transformation finance. This was followed by an intensive discussion on how stronger networking can support transformation finance.

The workshop was organised by Fin.Connect.NRW, the German Economic Institute and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia. Speakers were recruited from the Boston Consulting Group, the European Investment Fund, Heidelberg Cement and the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany e.V. The participants came from the financial sector, the real economy and science.

The digital and sustainable transformation of the economy, transformation financing and sustainable finance are mega topics and require more in-depth consideration, as was emphasised in many presentations and discussion contributions. Participants emphasised the importance of innovation. It is now important to take advantage of opportunities in growing markets, to set incentives and at the same time to avoid excessive bureaucracy. The cross-sectoral and multi-faceted discussion was seen as helpful, especially in terms of better understanding and putting measures into practice.

In view of the structural change, strengthening transformation financing and mobilising Venture Capital are essential future topics for NRW as a business centre. The ecosystem of companies, capital providers, science and politics can be improved through stronger networking of the economic actors in NRW. This is where Fin.Connect.NRW comes in, which was created as a platform for the topics surrounding the new start after Corona, economic transformation and its financing.

A follow-up in 2021 was suggested by the speakers and participants of the workshop.