Six out of ten SMEs are investing in the transformation towards greater sustainability - but only one in three euros for these investments comes from external financing sources (DIHK, Sustainable Finance the SME sector, 2023). What can SMEs do to raise capital for sustainable business models and what do banks and other lenders expect in terms of transparency and external communication? How can sustainable finance in SMEs become a real tailwind for sustainable transformation and business success?

We want to discuss these questions in our workshop “Sustainable finance in the SME sector: challenges and solutions for successful transformation”

on Friday, 20th September 2024, 10am – 4pm

in the oeconomicum of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. 

Look forward to the keynote speech by Prof Dr Christian Klein, professor of sustainable finance at the University of Kassel and co-founder of the Sustainable Finance Science Platform. Share ideas and thoughts with high-calibre speakers and experts from academia and business practice: 

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Börner, professorship for financial services, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
  • Kathrin Dahnke, former CFO B. Braun AG, Melsungen, multi-supervisory board member and financial expert
  • Dr. Benedikt Erdmann, chairman of Soennecken eG 
  • Torsten Jäger, head of sustainable finance, Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.)
  • Dr. Matthias Mainz, managing director economic policy and digitalisation at IHK NRW and Fin.Connect.NRW
  • Dr. Michael Munsch, member of the board of Creditreform Rating AG and honorary professor at the University of Innsbruck

Registration (for free) until 15th August 2024 at

We are looking forward to seeing you!


Prof. Dr. Stefan Dierkes, professor for finance and controlling, Georg-August-University Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Marc C. Hübscher, honorary professor University of Ulm and Deloitte GmbH auditing company

Prof. Dr. Martin Müller, endowed professorship for sustainable knowledge, sustainable education, sustainable management, University of Ulm

Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger, professorship for business administration, in particular controlling and accounting, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

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