All studies from Fin.Connect
The scientific results of the German Economic Institute and guest contributions of our project partners in the following formats: Fin.Connect.Compact, Fin.Connect.Info, Fin.Connect.Positions, Fin.Connect.Basics, and Fin.Connect.Blog.
29 results
How Fin.Connect.NRW wants to strengthen the financing of future technologies
In order to transform the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, high investment volumes must be financed not only in existing but also in future technologies. The technologies necessary for a successful transformation are only partially mature. The question therefore arises as to which financing matches…
The financing and networking of key technologies
Advances in digitalisation and environmental technology are enabling a new technological revolution that can contribute significantly to solving many pressing global problems such as climate change. In addition, digitalisation has enabled fundamentally new business models. However, the different…
Cooperation and networking of financing for infrastructure projects
A large number of banks and investors are often involved in the financing of major infrastructure projects. Depending on the size and supra-regional significance of the project, several development banks may even be involved. The relevance of networking in infrastructure financing is illustrated…
The role of leasing and Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS) in transformational finance
The digital and climate-neutral transformation presents a whole range of challenges, but above all opportunities for companies. On the one hand, there is a high need for investment in new technologies and modernised infrastructure. For North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, the annual investment…
Networking to promote transformation financing
To finance the digital and climate-neutral transformation in NRW, not only do high investment volumes need to be financed, but the appropriate financing instruments must also be matched to the respective business models with their opportunities and risks. For example, a start-up with a new business…
Sustainable Finance - a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises?
The „green transformation“ poses great challenges for companies in all sectors, some of which are under immense pressure to innovate and invest. Although funding programmes are available at European, federal and state level, the politically pledged financial resources are far from being able to…
The financing and networking of key technologies
So-called key technologies, which decisively influence the direction and speed of the transformation, play an essential role in the transformation. For NRW, this is artificial intelligence, for example. For example, 9 out of 62 German AI research institutions are located in NRW, which makes NRW an…
The role of portfolio emissions in transformation financing
When banks, investment funds and insurance companies reduce greenhouse gases, they do so by cutting their ‘portfolio emissions’. This means that they finance fewer companies with high CO2 emissions and focus more on companies with a small CO2 footprint. In a transitional phase of the transformation,…
Instruments of transformation finance and their relevance for NRW
The transformation of companies must be accompanied by the financial sector. The focus here is on the adjusting screws of volume, fit and risk. In order to coordinate these, the networking of companies with banks, insurance companies and investors should be strengthened. Fin.Connect.NRW supports…