The digital and climate-neutral transformation is central for North Rhine-Westphalia. This requires solid financing: at least 50 billion euros are needed annually for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia alone. The NRW Banking Day is dedicated to this topic and presents solutions that bring companies and investors together.

In order to convert production and buildings to be climate-neutral, companies and private households have to invest - usually so much that it is not possible without loans. On the one hand, there is a need for banks that can grant large loans for new, more climate-friendly machines or new heat pumps. On the other hand, there is also a need for risk-taking investors who invest in innovations whose technology is not yet established on the market. This applies, for example, to technologies that can capture and store carbon dioxide: such approaches also help high-emission industries to become climate-neutral pioneers. The path cannot be taken without financiers and investors.

At the same time, banks and investors also want to become climate neutral and are increasingly measuring their so-called portfolio emissions. This means: They determine the climate-damaging emissions that their investments cause. If banks and investors now want to reduce their portfolio emissions, they will only be able to finance a limited number of companies that currently have high CO2 emissions. The more important it is for companies to switch to climate-neutral technologies, the more important it is to have the right financing.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is taking the right path at this point: The Ministry of Economic Affairs has founded the Fin.Connect.NRW financial center initiative. It offers a platform for different players such as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, investment funds, development banks and fintechs, but also consulting companies and science. Through improved networking, some people find tailor-made financing and others find exciting opportunities to invest in the future.

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