The EU sustainability legislation brings with it far-reaching changes that directly or indirectly affect every company. The new requirements are not optional - they must be implemented in the coming years. We would like to provide you with an introduction to the requirements in order to avoid legal risks and remain competitive. Adapting to EU sustainability legislation in a timely manner is key to minimizing risks while opening up new business opportunities.

In this online seminar on February 25 from 17:00 to 18:30, you will receive (1) an overview of EU sustainability legislation and (2) sector-specific insights into EU sustainability legislation in areas such as (i) product development, (ii) production, (iii) reporting and transparency, (iv) purchasing and supply chains or (v) the financial sector. 

Until April 2024, the speaker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Peter Schmidt worked for more than 26 years in the environmental and sustainability division of Ford, the last 10 years as European Director “Sustainability, Advanced Regulations & Product Conformity”. Since May 2024, he has held the Solingen Endowed Professorship for Technical Sustainability Management at CBS International Business School, a state-recognized university for practice-oriented management and business studies with eight locations throughout Germany. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schmidt is the course director for the dual Master's degree (M.Sc.) in Sustainability Management, which aims to develop students into universally applicable change agents. And not just in sustainability departments, but in all areas of the company where the requirements and opportunities of sustainability, digitalization and innovative business models are relevant.

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